Eastern Road Pharmacy has been a trusted part of the Shepparton community since 1979.  We are open 6 days a week from to be here when you need us the most. You can always speak with a pharmacist at Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy.

Eastern Road Pharmacy

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Eastern Road Pharmacy

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101A Eastern Road, Turramurra, NSW, 2074

Men’s Health Downunder was established in 2013 to provide professional expertise about specific men’s health issues.  

This is without embarrassment or privacy concerns.

Men’s Health Downunder (MHDU) services are open to all patients and consultations may be made in person or remotely with no referral required.

Our key priority areas include:

  • Pre and post prostatectomy counselling
  • Rehabilitation services (including post surgery)
  • Prostate cancer support
  • Drug free erectile options
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Incontinence
  • Partner support

Our expert pharmacists provide consultations and are pleased to collaborate with your GP and/or urologist.  

We also provide links to allied health including physiotherapy and psychologist services.

Book a Clinic Appointment with Mens Health Downunder below.

Mens Health Downunder

Specialist Referral Form

Getting Started Checklist

Referrals and Checklist

There are a wide variety of appointments available depending on your needs. Please take a read of the options below to book the most suitable appointment. 

Please choose your prefered method of booking below:


Cost: $150

Duration: 45 minutes

Cost: $150

Duration: up to 45 minutes

Cost: $125

Duration: 30 minutes

Peyronie's Consultation

Follow-up Appointment

Intracavernosal Technique Consultation

Cost: $175

Duration: 45 minutes

Initial Appointment 

Cost: $50

Peyroie's Device Fitting (urologist recommended)

Cost: $150

Duration: 45 minutes

Online Appointments

Initial Appointment 

Our expert team of men’s health pharmacists are happy to help patients better understand and manage a range of issues including, but not limited to, prostate cancer and penile rehabilitation, erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, premature ejaculation, incontinence, reproductive health and assistance to males with partners battling fertility issues and everything in between.

Intracavernosal Technique Consult

Before starting injections it is advisable to learn how to do them, where, why, what to expect as well as all the possible issues that can arise when injecting. It is advised that ALL patients do their first injection with us before starting at home. We also range a number of injection assistance devices that can take some of the fear factor out of injecting

Peyronie's Consult

There are many management options for Peyronie's disease from the surgical options through to traction, vacuum pumps and medication. Speak with one of men’s health team to discuss the options

Online Appointment

Can be delivered over the phone but is best via videoconference (link provided when an appointment is scheduled).

Our expert team of men’s health pharmacists are happy to help patients better understand and manage a range of issues including, but not limited to, prostate cancer and penile rehabilitation, erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, premature ejaculation, incontinence, phimosis, reproductive health and assistance to males with partners battling fertility issues and everything in between.

Shorter consults are available for a cost of $120 and run for 30 minutes.

Peyronie's Device Fitting Consult

There are many management options for Peyronie's disease from the surgical options through to traction, vacuum pumps and medication. 

Speak with one of mens health team to discuss the options. 

If purchasing a Restorex Device this is the appointment for you to get the most out of the device.

Seek Help!

If you feel anxious, stressed, and worried, or you’re struggling to cope and need someone to talk to, there’s help out there.

There are several organisations that provide support for people struggling with their mental health. You can also talk to your doctor about what you’re experiencing.

After prostate surgery, the journey to recovery can feel overwhelming.  

It be the same for men experiencing erectile dysfunction.

The good news is that you are not alone.

With expert psychologists, your journey can be made more comfortable and rewarding.

Life Matter Psychologists are a highly experienced team.

Our psychologists can guide both you and your partner every step of the way.

We help you rebuild confidence and reconnect in a way that feels right for you.

Call: 02 4965 3530

Website: www.lifematters.com.au/contact

Psychology support via Telehealth with Life Matters Psychologists

The Brother to Brother crisis line provides phone support for Aboriginal men who need someone to talk to about relationship issues, family violence, parenting, drug and alcohol issues or who are struggling to cope for other reasons.

The phone line is staffed by Aboriginal men, including Elders, who have a lived experience in the issues that the line offers support for.

Brother to Brother doesn't have a website but you can call them, 24/7.

Call: 1800 435 799

Lifeline Australia is a telephone and online crisis support and suicide prevention service for all Australians experiencing emotional distress.

Call: 13 11 14

Website: www.lifeline.org.au

Beyond Blue is a telephone and online counselling service for people experiencing anxiety, depression and thoughts of suicide.

Call: 1300 224 636

Website: www.beyondblue.org.au

Brother to Brother

Lifeline Australia

Beyond Blue

MensLine Australia isa  telephone and online counselling service for men with emotional health and relationship concerns.

Call: 1300 789 978

Website: www.mensline.org.au

MensLine Australia

Tools and Resources

Sexual Health Inventory For Men (SHIM)

Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool

Male Fertility Assessment

International Prostate Symptom Score (I-PSS)

Ejaculatory Disorders

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Androgen use, misuse and abuse

Androgen Deficiency

Klinefelter Syndrome

Erectile Dysfunction

Engaging Men

Engaging Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Men in Healthcare

Transgender Healthcare

Testicular Cancer

Prostate Disease

Preconception Care for Males

Why you need to get to know your nuts

Men's Health Articles

Partner's Guides

Mens Health Topics

Androgen deficiency is a syndrome caused by poor testicular function (hypogonadism), resulting from either primary (testicular) or secondary (hypothalamic-pituitary) disease, and is characterised by a low testosterone level accompanied by signs and symptoms.

It is estimated that approximately 5 in 1000 men have androgen deficiency warranting treatment with testosterone.

A low testosterone level alone does not constitute androgen deficiency, and neither does the observed age-related decline in testosterone (of approximately 1% annually).

Androgen deficiency may have subtle effects on health and wellbeing, which can make diagnosis challenging. Untreated androgen deficiency has detrimental effects on body composition and bone health.

Androgen Deficiency

The extent of androgen abuse is unknown; however, it is estimated that lifetime use in the general population is probably 1-5% globally, with prevalence at least 50-times higher in men than women.

Two percent of Australian secondary-school students report using performance and image enhancing drugs (including androgens).

Androgen abuse often involves massive doses and multiple drugs taken simultaneously that provide a vastly higher level of androgen action than required for physiological replacement in legitimate androgen deficiency.

Androgen use, misuse and abuse

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is characterised by a debilitating preoccupation with a perceived defect in one’s own physical appearance. 

The physical attribute of concern may be non-existent or so minor as to be unnoticeable by others.

Behavioural characteristics of BDD – such as constantly checking one’s appearance, repeated attempts at correcting the perceived disorder, or excessive exercising – can limit daily function.

Muscle dysmorphia is a form of BDD characterised by a perceived lack of muscularity. 

Excessive exercise and specific dietary patterns are common behavioural consequences of muscle dysmorphia. 

Misuse or abuse of androgenic steroids appears common in males with muscle dysmorphia.

Males are more likely than females to have genital manifestations of BDD.

Body dysmorphic disorder is distinct from gender dysphoria, although both may occur in individuals.


Approximately 1 in 50 (2%) adults has body dysmorphic disorder. 

The disorder most commonly manifests in adolescence, with subclinical symptoms occurring for years before diagnosis. 

There is no gender difference in the prevalence of BDD but muscle dysmorphia occurs much more often in males.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Where to locate 

Eastern Road Pharmacy

101A Eastern Road, Turramurra, NSW, 2074

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.00am - 5.30pm

8.30am - 1.00pm







Public Holidays:

Opening Hours

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101A Eastern Road, Turramurra, NSW, 2074

Eastern Road Pharmacy Chemist Open 6 days Weekly Medicines Packs Weight Management MedsChecks
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XXX Health Fact sheet
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